Monday, May 27, 2013

Theoretical Perspectives: Dispositional Theories

Theoretical Perspectives: Dispositional Theories

There are many different theories in explaining personality. Dispositional theories explain the relationship between traits and personality. Two of the most well known dispositional theories are Allport’s Psychology of the Individual Theory and Trait and Factor Theories. Gordon Allport, Hans Eysenck, Robert McCrae, and Paul Costa Jr are the more common of the dispositional theorists. The assumptions vary from those of the other theorists. However, just as the other theories, the dispositional theories provide a basis for the study of personality.

Allport's Psychology of the Individual Theory
Gordon Allport developed the Psychology of the Individual Theory. The basis of this theory was the “uniqueness, variety, and continuity of personal growth” (Bertocci, 1940, p.501). Allport accepted some beliefs from other theorists; however he also believed that no one theorist could completely explain personality. While previous theorists emphasized the unconscious, Allport focused more on the conscious. An important assumption of Allport’s theory is that of the psychologically mature personality. Within this personality, there is proactive behavior. Proactive behavior includes the belief that one’s behavior is of conscious acting rather than unconscious. Allport further defined the psychologically mature personality as having a relatively trauma free childhood (Feist & Feist, 2009). Another assumption of this theory is the structure of personality. His primary unit of personality was dispositions. Allport compared personal dispositions to common traits. Common traits are held commonly by a group of people such as a culture; whereas, a personal disposition is unique to the individual. Allport placed dispositions into levels. The highest level is cardinal dispositions. This level is so dominating that it cannot be hidden from others (Feist & Feist, 2009). However, it is Allport’s belief that most people do not have this level of disposition. The next level is central disposition. This level is the five to ten traits that an individual’s life focuses around. The final level of dispositions is secondary. An individual may have many of these dispositions. However, they are not central to an individual. Allport also discussed proprium. Proprium is the concept that individuals see certain characteristics as his or her own and are central and important (Feist & Feist, 2009). However, proprium does not define the whole personality.

Trait and Factor Theories
Trait and Factor Theories emphasize the use of a factor analysis. This method is a mathematical procedure used to reduce a large number of variables to a few (Feist & Feist, 2009). Trait and Factor theorists use this method in order to reduce a large number of traits down to a few to define an individual’s personality. Factors may be unipolar or bipolar. Examples of unipolar traits are height, weight, and intelligence. Examples of bipolar traits are introversion versus extraversion and liberalism versus conservatism. Hans Eysenck rejected psychoanalysis but accepted behaviorism (Rose, 2010). This tended to show through his theory. He devised four criteria for identifying factors. First, the evidence for the factor’s existence should be reliable and replicable. Second, the factor must fit an established genetic model (Feist & Feist, 2009). Third, the factor should make sense from a theoretical view. Last, the factor should be socially relevant. Eysenck also developed the Hierarchy of Behavior Organization. The lowest level is specific behaviors or thoughts. These may be characteristic of the individual. However, they may also be uncharacteristic of the individual. The next level is habitual behaviors and thoughts. These occur under similar situations. The third level is traits. Traits develop from several habitual responses (Feist & Feist, 2009). The fourth level is types, also called superfactors. Types are comprised of several interrelated traits. Eysenck also developed the Dimensions of Personality or the Giant Three. These were the superfactors in Eysenck’s hierarchy. Eysenck’s dimensions were extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. Eysenck acknowledged that other dimensions could be added later. Based upon his dimensions, Eysenck developed four personality inventories to measure these superfactors. The first was the Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI). However, the MPI only measured extraversion and neuroticism. Eysenck then developed the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI). This inventory assessed extraversion and neuroticism independently where the MPI did not. A third inventory was developed called the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ).This inventory included the psychoticism factor. The fourth inventory was called the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire – Revised which addressed the criticisms of the EPQ. McCrae and Costa researched further than the Giant Three. They developed the Big Five. McCrae and Costa discovered extraversion and neuroticism just as Eysenck had. They also discovered openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness as superfactors.    

Strengths and Limitations
Allport's Psychology of the Individual Theory
All theories have strengths and limitations. One criticism of Allport’s theory is that it was not based on scientific investigations. Instead his theory was based more on speculation (Feist & Feist, 2009). However, Allport’s writings do constitute the theory. His writings did generate hypotheses although unhealthy individuals were not covered. Allport’s writings were a good basis for future personality theorists. Allport’s theory generated research primarily in religion, values, and prejudice. Some of Allport’s findings are not able to be verified or falsified. When it comes to organization of theory, some of known human personality cannot be integrated into the theory (Feist & Feist, 2009). Although Allport acknowledged the unconscious, his theories did not explain behaviors caused by the unconscious. Allport’s theory serves as a good stepping stone for practitioners to use.

Trait and Factor Theories
Trait and Factor theorists organize personality into classifications (Feist & Feist, 2009). These theories have generated a significant amount of research. One important outcome of research is that the Big Five of personality can be found in different cultures thus aiding in the validity of the theory. Eysenck’s research results have not been replicated by other researchers (Feist & Feist, 2009). Some of McCrae and Costa’s findings can be falsified. The Trait and Factor Theories provide a good framework for the organization of human personality. There has been much debate in the consistency of these theories. For example, Eysenck developed the Giant Three and McCrae and Costa developed the Big Five. These are two closely related theories with very noticeable differences. However, the method of factor analysis is precise  (Feist & Feist, 2009). The Trait and Factor Theories are comprehensive and structured. However, they are not useful to individuals such as parents, teachers, and counselors. These theories are most useful for researchers. 

While many other theories tended to account for the unconscious, the dispositional theories emphasized the conscious. While other theories focused on the behaviors, dispositional theories focused on the individual. Gordon Allport used personal dispositions as the unit of personality. The Trait and Factor theorists used traits as the unit of personality. These theorists attempted to prove the relationship between unique characteristics and behavior in individuals. These theories have strengths and weaknesses. These strengths and weaknesses make these theories as valid as any other theory. While these theories do have some flaws, they are sound beginnings for personality research and theory. 


Bertocci, P. A. (1940). A critique of G.W. Allport's theory of motivation. Psychological Review, 47(6), 501-532. Retrieved from

Feist, J., & Feist, G. (2009). Theories of Personality (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Rose, S. (2010). Hans Eysenck's controversial career. The Lancet, 376(9739), 407-408. Retrieved from

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Theoretical Perspectives: Humanistic

Theoretical Perspectives: Humanistic
One of the perspectives in psychology is the humanistic perspective. The humanistic perspective states that a person has an innate goodness. A person also has the desire to achieve higher levels of potential. Humanistic theorists believe the core of personality is made up of the conscious motivation to improve as well as the individual’s unique impulses. Two of the most popular humanistic theories are the Holistic – Dynamic Theory created by Abraham Maslow and the Person – Centered Theory created by Carl Rogers. These theories have been used to understand personality. These theories have also been criticized on their effectiveness and validity.
The assumptions of the humanistic perspective are different than those of the psychodynamic perspective. The psychodynamic perspective focuses on the unconscious; whereas, the humanistic perspective focuses on the conscious. The primary assumption of the humanistic theories is that behavior is motivated by needs, primarily self – actualization. Maslow’s theory proposes the Hierarchy of Needs as the path to self – actualization. Rogers’ theory proposes the actualization tendency as the path to self – actualization. While Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs motivate a person towards a reduction of deficiency, self – actualization is a growth need (Heylighen, 1992). Maslow’s theory states that self – actualization is achieved when all other needs met. However, self – actualization appears to be a never – ending process. According to both theories, the whole person is motivated (Feist & Feist, 2009). Self – actualization is believed to correspond to an individual’s psychological health. Maslow believed that motivation was complex; Rogers believed that matters began simple and then progressed to complex. According to the Hierarchy of Needs, all people are motivated by the same needs with self – actualization being the highest need. However, the other needs may be in a different order. According to the Actualizing Tendency, the only motivation a person possesses is self – actualization.

Strengths and Limitations
The humanistic theories have strengths and weaknesses. Maslow’s theory does not have much evidence to support his claims. This is due to the fact that his observations are difficult to reproduce. Self – actualization remains popular for research even though the term is not clearly defined. There are no methods in which to prove self – actualization in people. Both theories are useful as a guide for practitioners. They both supply the practitioner with a foundation in which to help the patient. However, Rogers’ theory lacks a solid theoretical basis (Patterson & Joseph, 2007). This has allowed for some research to disprove the theory. However, the Hierarchy of Needs included in Maslow’s theory has a logical and consistent basis. Rogers’ theory does generate research is psychotherapy and classroom learning, but not in many other areas (Feist & Feist, 2009). While Maslow’s theory has poor wording, Rogers’ theory does have consistent wording and definitions.

Individuals who have reached self – actualization, as defined by the humanistic theories, have distinguishing characteristics. These individuals are open to experience. He or she is eager to have new experiences, learn new ideas and skills, and try new things (Heylighen, 1992). These individuals are spontaneous and natural; they do not play roles. Self – actualizing individuals do not feel restricted and are not afraid that what they are doing is wrong. Self – actualizing individuals have a general creativity. These individuals are accepting towards nature, people, and the self. They are accepting of faults and situations beyond his or her control. They have a confidence when it comes to problem solving and decision making due to personal values. They are serene in times of failure or disaster. Self – actualizing people also have imperfections. When making errors, they are quicker to admitting and correcting them (Heylighen, 1992). Self – actualizing individuals sometimes feel out of place in their own culture. At times, they seem discourteous, disrespectful, unaffectionate, or hostile. This is usually due to the detachment and unconventionality he or she feels. They may seem cold and ruthless due to the unemotional decision making in the treatment of others (Heylighen, 1992). Their non – hostile sense of humor makes them appear serious. The concentration an individual focuses on problems makes them seem stubborn, absentminded, and short tempered.

Social Interactions
Self – actualizing individuals interact with those around them although they do not need other people. Self – actualizing individuals usually make decisions for themselves with little regard to the opinions of others or of society. Self – actualizing individuals are comfortable in solitude and have a need for privacy and independence (Heylighen, 1992). Although these individuals are comfortable alone and in their own decision making abilities, they have strong social interactions with others. These individuals have a strong sense of empathy towards humanity and are friendly to everyone. Self – actualizing people will listen to and learn from others with no prejudice. They tend to be selective about who they associate with. The relationships self – actualizing individuals have with others are usually more intense. Self – actualizing individuals are secure in who they are individually that the pressures of society do not affect them.

Humanistic theories are focused on the individual and his or her desire to be the best that they can be. Self – actualization has been theorized to only be accomplished by few of the population. While it appears that self – actualization is a goal only to be met after all other needs are met, it is actually a gradual process of improvement (Heylighen, 1992). Humanistic theories appear to be ideal theories for personality; however, they are just stepping stones to the understanding of personality. Sections of the theories seem to make sense, but with the research available there is more to study to completely prove or disprove them.


Feist, J., & Feist, G. (2009). Theories of Personality (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Heylighen, F. (1992). A cognitive - systemic reconstruction of Maslow's theory of self - actualization. Behavioral Science, 37(1), 39.

Patterson, T. J., & Joseph, S. (2007). Person - Centered personality theory: support from self - determination theory and positive psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 47(1), 117-139.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Introduction to Personality

Introduction to Personality

Personality is a complex aspect of psychology. Theorists such as Allport, Freud, Jung, Horney, and others tried to explain personality and behavior. Through each of the theories, personality psychology developed. Research continues to explain personality even more. Research is the cornerstone of understanding psychological concepts such as personality. Factors influencing personality development are a topic widely debated in the psychological community. Depending on the theorist’s viewpoint explains where he or she believed personality arose.

Personality Defined
 Psychologists differ as to the definition of personality and few have formally defined personality (Feist & Feist, 2009). Psychologist Gordon Allport is one of the psychologists who have defined personality. Allport defined personality as “the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his or her unique adjustment to his or her environment” (Rothbart, Ahadi, & Evans, 2000, p. 123). Personality consists of traits and characteristics. Traits may be unique, common, or shared. Traits are consistent and displayed in different situations. Traits contribute to the differences in behavior, consistency and stability of behavior (Feist & Feist, 2009).  Characteristics are unique to an individual. Characteristics include qualities such as physical, intelligence, temperament. Together, traits and characteristics create the unique personality of an individual. Personality is an individual’s characteristic pattern of feeling, thinking, and behaving. Personality distinguishes one person from another, thus making personality unique. Personality affects the way an individual acts in situations. Personality is the force behind the consistent behaviors exhibited by an individual in different situations.

Scientific Approach to Studying Personality
Research is the basis for which psychology is understood. Methods used to study personality include observation, interviews, and rating scales. Some psychologists prefer the observational method. This is simply observing behavior and then examining these observations closely. Researchers then use these observations to create theories and hypotheses about human behavior. Psychological tests may also be used in the study of personality. These psychological tests are the standard measures to assess behavior. They are used to help a person learn more about him or herself. Researchers have worked to improve the methods and abilities to predict personality and behavior. The result of this work is the development of assessment techniques such as personality inventories. For these inventories to be useful, they must have reliability and validity. Reliability refers to the measurement consistency of the test. A reliable test gives the same result each time it is given to a specific person or group. An unreliable test would give a different result each time it is given. Validity refers to whether or not the test actually measures what it was designed to measure. There is construct validity and predictive validity. Construct validity refers to the extent the test measures a hypothetical construct (Feist & Feist, 2009). A hypothetical construct has no physical existence. Therefore a hypothetical construct could be extraversion, aggressiveness, or intelligence. Predictive validity refers to the extent that a test could predict a future behavior (Feist & Feist, 2009). Behavioral genetics and qualitative genetic studies are important in personality development research. Behavioral genetics research has resulted in evidence that genetics influence personality (Caspi, Roberts, & Shiner, 2005) .

Factors that may Influence an Individual's Personality Development
Many factors may influence an individual’s personality development. These factors can be internal dispositions or external circumstances (Carson, 1989). Personality traits encompass large range of differences from individual to individual. These traits show a large amount of genetic influence (Caspi, Roberts, & Shiner, 2005). These traits are not immune from experience. Other biological factors, besides heredity, that can influence a person’s personality development are physique, endocrine glands, and the nervous system. Environmental factors that may influence an individual’s personality development include home life, school, maturation, experiences, successes, and failures. It would be easy to pinpoint one exact influence on development. However, that is not possible and many factors contribute to one’s personality development. This is evidenced by the many personality theories created by psychologists. Different theorists believed personality was formed by certain factors, whether biological or environmental. Personality development falls under the nature versus nature debate. The development may be influenced by one or both.

 Personality research is a continuing topic in psychology. The need to understand personality also includes the need to understand behavior. Theorists believe that one’s personality influences behavior. Research continues to further understand personality by using methods such as personality inventories. Factors that influence personality are also important in understanding personality of an individual. Using the work of the early theorists and improving research methods will help the study of personality. 


Carson, R. (1989). Personality. Annual Review of Psychology, 40(1), 227-248.

Caspi, A., Roberts, B. W., & Shiner, R. L. (2005). Personality Development: Stability and Change. Annual Review of Psychology, 56(1), 453-484. Retrieved from

Feist, J., & Feist, G. (2009). Theories of Personality (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Rothbart, M. K., Ahadi, S. A., & Evans, D. E. (2000). Temperament and personality: Origins and Outcomes. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 78(1), 122- 135. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.78.1.122

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