Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sources of Motivation

     Motivational speaker and former college football coach, Lou Holtz, once said, “Motivation determines what you do” (Holtz, 2012). Motivation is an important component of behavior. Motivation has biological, cognitive and social aspects (McGraw-Hill, 2011). Motivation comes by way of different sources and has different effects on people. Motivation is one reason why a person accomplishes what, or behaves the way that, he or she does. 

Motivation Defined
      Motivation is “all the processes that initiate, direct, and sustain behavior” (Wood, Wood, & Boyd, 2011, p.337). Motivation is comprised of many aspects which are used to develop theories, or approaches, to explain the reasons for people’s behavior. These aspects include biological, cognitive and social (McGraw-Hill, 2011). Psychologists believe that motivation is comprised of three components, activation, persistence, and intensity. Activation consists of the first steps to achieving a goal. Persistence is the continued effort to achieve a goal. Finally, intensity is the focused energy and attention applied to achieving a goal. Activation, persistence and intensity are all involved in defining motivation.

Sources of Motivation
       Wood, Wood, & Boyd explains motives as being needs or desires that direct behavior toward a goal (2011). Motives can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Motives can come from primary drives or social motives. According to Deckers, the two basic sources of motivation are internal and external (2010). Internal sources may be biological variables or psychological variables. Biological variables pertain to characteristics of the brain or body, also called primary drives. Primary drives are unlearned motives. Examples of these are hunger or thirst. Psychological variables can include emotions or a person’s past experiences. Self – esteem is an example of a psychological variable. When a person has a desire to behave a certain way because it is satisfying is intrinsic motivation. An example is playing a game just for fun. However, extrinsic motivation is the desire to behave a certain way to gain an external reward. An example is playing a game for money. The money is the reward and becomes the motivator for playing the game well. External sources include environmental variables. Examples of external variables are jobs, bonuses, money, etc. Social motives are learned through experience and interactions with others.

Relationship between Motivation and Behavior
     Motivation is the force behind behavior. Motivational sources are what push or pull a person to behave a certain way (Deckers, 2010). Hunger is a basic human need. When a person feels hunger, it usually pushes them to eat. After eating, the hunger need is fulfilled. Hunger is the motivational variable that pushes the person towards the goal of fulfillment of a need. Motivational factors can be different for each person and the same factor can cause two people to behave differently. For example, two people both have the desire to have money. Person A, in order to fulfill that desire, gets a job. Person B, on the other hand, decides to steal money. Both had the same motivational desire. However, the two used the motivation to commit two different behaviors.

Motivation Exhibited in Behavior
      Motivation has a crucial role in behavior (Pessoa, 2009). Motivation is evident in most of the behavior around us. A student who wants good grades is motivated to study more. A woman who wants a man’s attention is motivated to dress and present herself in a way to draw the attention. A man desiring money is motivated to work harder. While these examples show positive motivation and behaviors, it can also be negative. A man who wants a woman’s attention may behave negatively to attempt to gain it. A person desiring more money may resort to illegal methods to obtain it. Motives drive a person to behave in a way to help him or her accomplish a goal, or fulfill a need.

     Motivation directs the behavior of humans in order to accomplish a goal. The sources of motivation can come from several different aspects. While some are motivated for internal reasons, others may be motivated for external reasons. Motives are the underlying component for the behaviors we exhibit. Understanding the sources of motivation is important in order to understand the behaviors.

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